In order to add new macros always need to include:
- setBatchMode(true);
- open("#file#"); (open the file)
- run("8-bit"); (8bits conversion)
- run("Set Scale...", "distance=0 known=0 pixel=1 unit=pixel"); (scale reset)
- run("Rotate 90 Degrees Right"); just for confocals
- for mosaics: run("Set Measurements...", " bounding redirect=None decimal=3");
- for cells: run("Set Measurements...", " center redirect=None decimal=0");
- setThreshold(#thresholdMin#, #thresholdMax#); variables for thresholds
- run("Analyze Particles...", "size=#size#-#maxsize# pixel circularity=#circularity#-1.00 show=Nothing display exclude clear"); variable values